An organization that supports and advocates for volunteer leaders of pro-democracy grassroots groups.
The Grassroots Collaboration Project is an all-volunteer, unincorporated advocacy organization representing the shared interests of leaders of pro-democracy grassroots groups, especially volunteer leaders. Leaders will convene in early 2025 to chart an organizational path.
The GCP is an opportunity for me to discuss ideas with other leaders.
Susan, Volunteer Leader, Massachusetts
The Project helps us avoid duplicating effort and allows us to share our successes, actions and concerns.
Candace, Volunteer Group Leader, Illinois
Visit the Grassroots Directory to see our national roster of groups across the country working to maintain the blue in the White House and senate, and to turn the House blue.
This project is endorsed by grassroots cheerleaders Simon Rosenberg and Robert Hubbell!
In April, the GCP made the grassroots leaders it supports aware of a new funding program being offered by Clean and Prosperous America. The program is designed to provide up to $2,500 for voter engagement work done by volunteer-powered groups for which the Grassroots Directory provided evidence of existence and vibrancy.
To date, a total of 78 proposals have been submitted through the micro-grant RFP. Proposals have been reviewed on a rolling basis by CaPA’s grant review committee. As of early September, CaPA has awarded 33 grants ranging from $500 – $2,500; the majority of organizations funded are volunteer groups that are not incorporated. Their efforts are largely – but not exclusively – focused on voter engagement in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.
More information can be found here.
The Grassroots Collaboration Project has launched the Grassroots Connector, a free newsletter for and by grassroots leaders. We report on innovative grassroots projects and the latest research on voter contact tactics and strategies.
To the Next Chair of the DNC by Susan Labandibar
The Grassroots takes a page from Mary Poppins.
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