Why we need more men to get involved!
Anti choice actions by MAGA have been the tip of the spear of a general misogyny that has motivated women to be by far the primary organizers against today’s extreme Republicans.
However, there are many more issues in the balance if Democratics do not win elections and gain power in 2024, issues such as climate change, income inequality, support for unions, and voting rights. There is a long list of critical issues that affect men as well as their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters.
Can men simply donate more or provide behind-the-scenes support for women activists?
Unfortunately not because a healthy gender balance among volunteers has the added benefit of boosting the general appeal of the Democratic Party as a contrast to the exaggerated machismo of extreme Republicans.
So we are reaching out to progressive minded men everywhere to get involved to preserve our country’s democratic values.
The Grassroots Collaboration Project (GCP) believes that men with the right pro-democracy political leanings do have some sense that they need to get more actively involved due to the magnitude of the threat from Trump and MAGA. Two things are needed:
- A clear public signal that it is time to step up
- Resources that help men tap into existing volunteer opportunities or create their own
What people are saying about men's activism:
“Being active, working with others is extremely empowering; a great antidote to feeling helpless.”
“Men are extremely successful at recruiting and motivating other men.”
“Having more men in our group greatly expands the scope and effectiveness of our outreach.”
“We find that the more men we have in our activities, the more well-rounded are the projects we pursue.”
Upcoming Man Up Workshops
Reaching Out
This workshop helps groups to find the most effective ways to recruit more men, including both connection channels and messages.
Wednesday, July 22, 7pm
Activities That Work
Are there different activities to employ for men activists? The workshop explores what works.
Thursday, August 22, 7pm
Maintaing Momentum
Once men are recruited, are there specific ways to keep them fully involved and motivated? We review what has worked.
Tuesday, September 22, 7pm